Saturday, February 15, 2025

Life Updates [02-15-2025]


I haven't posted here in quite a while, but I'm also not on anything but my Threads account. I have been without my phone for quite a while, and I hope to replace it. Replacing this major thing I use to blog and file will take time, as I am not getting paid by brands and such yet. For those interested in sending toward my blog and channel, My YouPay Wish List is at the top Page list. 

I fell last week causing a possible fracture in my right knee. I am still set to get an X-ray on it to learn for a fact. My Celiac Panel came back negative, so it is not the cause of my food sensitivity. We are still in the process of looking at the possible cause being a mild form of IBS. I would have more photos if I had my phone at the moment, but hopefully, things will go back to normal soon. 

~ Mama Wolf Luna

Life Updates [02-15-2025]

  I haven't posted here in quite a while, but I'm also not on anything but my Threads account. I have been without my phone for quit...