Thursday, August 31, 2023

First Year of Headstart [Weekly Blog]


Lil Eve started her first year of Headstart on the 28th (Monday) this week. Since we went to her Open House we knew she interacted with the environment and classroom very well. She interacts very well also with her teaching staff. 

First Day of School

The first school drop off went very well. Lil Eve went to playing with her classmates right away. I gave her a simple kiss on the cheek and told her I would see her later. She hates the term “Good Bye or Bye Bye”.

Photo from the school; 08/28

She has been doing great with her Nightly and Morning Routines all week and even falling asleep at bedtime. I am so proud on well she is taking to her new journey.

Photo from School; 08/30

How I am taken the changes has been well. It’s weird and different not having her home and I am finding things to do with my time. She will have 3 day weekends for us to have fun and do things. 

Before School; 08/31

This Morning (08/31), Lil Eve had tons of energy before heading into her school. She spent an hour outside playing in the chilly weather before leaving. But today was different, she woke to Grandma Wolf not home as she been admitted into the ICU last night after getting sick all day. 

Lil Eve is home (8/31; 3:18PM), and had a great day at school. She is decomposing from her fun day at school as well. She knows I went to see Grandma today and that Grandma is doing well. 

~ Mama Wolf Luna ~

Saturday, August 19, 2023

MamaWolfLife| DITL | Farmers Market & More


Right now, it’s only 8:35am in the Morning which it’s already 60F outside. It looks so pretty with the blue skys after it was so cloudy the last few days. 

My chore accomplishment for this Morning before the Farmer’s Market was I took out and put away all the dishes in our dishwasher and all the clean clothing I washed this week is now folded and put away. This makes me so happy. 

At around 9:09am we left to walk down to the Farmer’s Market and of course I didn’t forget my coffee

We ran into 4 Geese on the way home near the Vets home and Eve loved them. It looks like they were trying to cross the street

Farmer’s Market Haul

Our Farmer’s Market Haul consists of Red Potatoes, 2 Zucchini, Cherry Tomatoes, 2 Cucumbers, Garlic, Cabbage, Kale , 2 Corn on the Cob (still need 2 more), and 4 fresh Tomatoes. I spent around $30 on this which is well worth it.  

After the Trip home, Lil Eve went outside to play a little bit before Grandma got home from dialysis. She loves being outside on days like today.

It’s around 2:30PM and now 80F. I finally got the cup I wanted from Target. This Reduce Cold handle 20oz cup which is very similar to the Stanley cup which is popular. I am definitely in my “Mom Blogger Era”.

Our Neighbors hosted a cookout outside our apartment complex

We were outside till close to 9PM which is pretty late for us to be outside normally. Lil Eve ended up with her own chair outside also which she loved. 

I am going to end my blog right here. As it is 10:28PM at night (yes, I need to reset my Alarm Clock again). I am pretty exhausted from all the sun I got today and the fun day we had. 

~ Mama Wolf Luna ~

Tuesday, August 15, 2023

Productive Day [08-15-2023]


Today was quite an productive day but I will give you a slow run down… At 10am Lil Eve meet with her Infant Mental Health (IMH) Specialist as we prep her to start school the 28th of this month. She will be dual enrolled between Headstart and the ECSC (Special Ed) room at the Local Elementary school. 

Her appointment was around 60 mins long and went very well. 

She had Pancakes for breakfast which she loves and of course mama loves to cook. Making sure Eve has fresh made breakfast is so important to me.

I also made both of my junk drawers into something that is useful. One holds lids and straws for our cups including my tea infuser. The other one will hold Zip Lock bags and other important things we need in the kitchen. I highly recommend you get away from the mindset of needing a junk drawer. 

~ Wolf Mama Luna ~

Thursday, August 10, 2023

JoKay Corral’s Petting Zoo

 U.P Children’s Museum Second Thursday Creativity Series

August 10th, 2023

5:30pm - 7:30pm

Thanks to an Wonderful Neighbor and Friend, Lil Eve got to go to a Free Event hosted by the U.P Children’s Museum as they hosted an Petting Zoo. In the process she got to explore the Museum which she loved cause it was made for her and all the kids

There was even a Fire Truck parked out side for the Kids to see and meet a few of the Firefighters in our area. Eve even meet one who helped her Grandma when she had to be taken to the hospital a few months ago. 

She explored different areas along the way to meet the animals as well. Which she enjoyed as she never got a chance to go into the museum before 

She got to pet a pony, a kitten, bunnies and a beautiful Golden Retriever in one part. Of course the Golden Retriever had to make sure to give her a kiss. 

She then got to Paint this amazing photo using an animal stencil and her favorite color paints. Then in the next room got to enjoy Ice Cream. 

If you want to treat us, Follow this Link to Our Wish List. 
~ Mama Wolf Luna ~

Sunday, August 6, 2023

PJ Day [08-06-2023]

A Day in Photos



We had quite a fun day just basically living in our moment. PJ Days are so worth it and I highly recommend. 

~ Mama Wolf Luna ~

Tuesday, August 1, 2023

Review: Omanmoli Diaper Bag


This Diaper Bag I cannot compliment enough. It has so much Room and Pockets for so many things you’ll need on a daily bases for your little one. 

This Easy Access Back Pocket is great for Diapers and Wipes making it easier to access when your out. I love this feature in the bag

This Front has two Insulated Pockets for Bottles or even Sippy Cups for older children. 

This bag is just simply amazing to me with how easy it makes my time out of my home

~ Mama Wolf Luna ~

Wellness Journey 2025

  One of my goals for 2025 is get back to my Blog which was where I started online and keep building my empire. I also made a huge leap in s...