Sunday, October 23, 2022

Minor Life Updates [10/23/2022]


   Let us start with Lil Eve's Birthday on October 15th, she has 2 years old. She celebrated her birthday still in her spica Cast which she seemed perfectly ok with. She got quite of few presents this year which I was unable to do last year due to the situation and our unsafe location. She loved everything which she was gifted with

  As of right now we are waiting for the final date for her "cast off" and move to a rhino harness which will be her transition out of her cast. She is already trying to become mobile in her cast which we have been trying to avoid. I am personally excited for her to be able to move around again and have a normal bath which she missed.

  She also seems to be impatiently waiting to return to learning to potty train as she was before. It will be great to see her rebuild her strength and balance after this long hall. She at the moment is still in speech twice a week and we hope to hear from the developmental clinic next month (November), to see a developmental pediatrician 

~High Priestess Luna~

@WolfMamaLuna (Instagram & Twitter)

Saturday, October 8, 2022

Review: Dash Spiderweb Waffle Maker


This weekend I was gifted with a Dash Spiderweb Waffle Maker from their Halloween Line. I was able to use it for the first time today (10/8/2022). My sibling was so amazing to finally get me one of these.

As soon as I plugged it in, it started hitting up. It does not have an Off and on Switch directly on the maker. By Choice, I sprayed the non-stick surface. I add pancake batter and it takes maybe a short 5 mins to cook. The waffles are easy to remove from the surface of the maker as well.

We 100% recommend this product and I personally hope to get more like their Egg Bite maker. These are very much multi-use type products. 

~Wolf Mama Luna~

Thursday, October 6, 2022

Updates: 7 Weeks of Spica Cast


On September 27th, We headed down to Ann Arbor, MI for Lil Eve's 6-month appointment at C.S Motts Children's Hospital. We arrived in Ann Arbor at around 9pm night and no lie got lost on the way to our hotel. Lil Eve was scheduled to be checked into the OR at 6:15 on the 28th. We are very lucky insurance covered our hotel for the night before as this is a very long and expensive trip. 

On the 28th, We went to the 4th floor of the children's hospital to get her checked in. I was informed that her specialist booked her OR for 2 hours. We were brought back to pre-op pretty quickly. She had a ton of a hard time with prepping her for the separation as she was to head back into the room. Honestly, any separation from her is very hard on me, I am with her 24/7.

During her time in the ER, My mom (Eve's Grandma) and I went down to the cafeteria to find something to eat. I was pretty hungry and exhausted and needed some coffee. A hospital no matter the reason is a hard place to be. I then stopped at the 2 Gift shops to grab some memory items for Eve. She ended up with a Onesie from the hospital to wear home.

Today is October 6 and were on week 7 of her casting. She is doing amazing. She is moving more in her cast and even interacting with the TV. She is still not very verbal but does understand things said to her. She is still bubbly and a Happy Little Toddler

Lil Eve started Outpatient Speech therapy on October 4th and loves her therapist already. She will be going 2 times a week right now. She has no issue understanding what is said or expressed to her but she is having trouble expressing herself and what she wants. Is the goal in therapy will be to help encourage her to express herself ether verbally or in other ways?

This is all I really have for updates right now. I will be posting here on my blog as much as possible.

~Wolf Mama Luna~

Wellness Journey 2025

  One of my goals for 2025 is get back to my Blog which was where I started online and keep building my empire. I also made a huge leap in s...